Monday, October 27, 2008

Peter Haslock: Mayoral candidate Westside 08

Haslock campaign statement;

My wife Darlene, my son Scott and twin daughters Christine and Nicole have lived on the Westside in Glenrosa for 17 years. We chose the Westside because it was a smaller community and was well established and had the schools that we needed to see our kids through each phase of their education.

We knew right away that this was where we would make our home. We care about the community and that is a primary reason for me to want to run for the mayor’s seat. I want to be part of the growth that will come; I want to make sure that whatever initiatives our council decides to undertake that the interests of the citizens of Westbank and surrounding area are duly represented.

I may be new to politics but I believe strongly in my abilities. I value diplomacy. I am an ambassador for our community, I am a manager and a leader. I believe that the best decisions will ultimately come from a unified council that understands the need for open and honest communication and that they are ultimately accountable to the public who elected them.

The days ahead will surely be exciting. We have the opportunity to create a better, safer, more prosperous community; a community where people can enjoy quality of life and feel proud of. A community where our seniors can enjoy quality of life, which they deserve. Where our children have access to a high caliber education that will prepare them for their lives as adults and contributing members of our society.

This region has grown exponentially in the past few years and is poised to experience even more growth in the years ahead. I want to ensure that it is controlled and in the best interests of the public and not simply for profit.

Completion of the sewer project, adequate street lighting, sidewalks at least on school routes are also high on the list.

I want to encourage the development of venues designed to enhance the lives of our children. The past few years has seen the disappearance of the attractions we did have in the name of progress and I think we owe it to our kids to include them in our growth, not just for today but for tomorrow.

Indeed, the list of items that need attention is long and I think that the present mayor and council have done an excellent job in identifying many of these items and prioritizing them. They had a lot to do in 12 months and their success’ far outweigh their non-success’.

In closing, I am confident in my abilities and I am keenly aware of my shortcomings. I have no illusions as to the importance of the role and I am up for the challenge. I want to see our community prosper and I want to be part of making that happen.

1 comment:

westSIDE said...

I very much support the thinking that we need a Mayor and council who are here for the community as a whole and not just the area of
Westbank. Unity is the key to the success of us all.
I would like to see your message in the news paper for all to read
We live in Glenrosa area and I am a resident of the whole area for 60 years Good luck